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Can Myopia Improve?

A child squinting in frustration at the camera in front of a blurry letter chart during an eye exam for myopia.

Blurry vision is a common problem for many children. If you’ve noticed your child squinting to see the chalkboard, or you find yourself holding books closer than usual, it could be myopia—a condition more commonly called “nearsightedness.” So can myopia be reversed? How can you help?
Myopia can’t naturally be reversed, but it can easily be treated with your optometrist’s help. Progression can be slowed, and lenses in the form of glasses or contacts can correct your child’s eyesight. Myopia control offers a way to preserve your child’s future vision by slowing the eye’s growth and limiting the intensity of the developing myopia. For adults, laser eye surgery does exist as a more permanent way to correct myopia. […]

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Can Myopia Be Reversed? What Are Your Options?

A young boy holding different corrective lenses for myopia, one pair of glasses, and a contact lens case.

Do you find it hard to see things that are far away? You might be one of the millions dealing with myopia, an increasingly common condition that we more often call nearsightedness.
Myopia allows you to see things up close, but makes distant objects look blurry. It can have a significant effect on your day-to-day life—whether you’re driving, watching a movie, or just trying to enjoy a beautiful view.
The good news? There are plenty of ways to correct myopia and get your vision back on track, like prescription glasses or contact lenses. Talking with an eye care professional can help you figure out the best option for your situation.
At Milton Vision & Sports Vision Training Centre, our optometrists are well-versed in correcting myopia. In particular, Dr. Curtis Akerman lectures nationally on myopia management and has performed myopia control for over 20 years, including fitting orthokeratology lenses and managing spectacle, soft contact lens and atropine patients. Your vision will be in good hands. […]

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How Long Do Vision Problems Last After a Concussion?

A person sitting in a medical exam room and holding their injured head while a doctor looks at a chart in the background.

Concussions, often referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs), are more common than you might think, especially among athletes. A significant yet often overlooked consequence of a concussion is its impact on vision. Many athletes and concussion patients experience vision problems following an injury, which can be both frustrating and concerning. So, how long […]

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